Publishing Skills-Week by Week



Week 1        

Introduction to the publishing industry.  Study of helpful resources e.g. books, journals and websites.  Role of Freelance Indexer and introduction to marking up a manuscript using a list of ‘looked for’ items.


Week 2

Introduction to Macrex and entry from marked up manuscript – go through from handouts.


Week 3

Brief history of publishing from i.e. Gutenberg Press/coffee shop origins.  A look at other styles of publishing i.e. epublishing  and write-for-profit sites.  Continuation of mark-up and Macrex with tips and Chris’ role.


Week 4

Introduction to Proof-reading symbols and editing typescript both on and off-screen.  Exercises to complete.


Week 5

Running a publishing business and the legal aspects i.e. copyright.  Internet protection/proof of ownership.  Proof-reading – more exercises and more symbols.  Introduction to Pitman Script.

Week 6

Copy-editing/proof-reading symbols/Script. Who is your favourite Author? Why? Have a go at writing – you will be given a topic and half-an hour to produce a piece.


Week 7

Beginning to end of mini-script – proof-read, copy-edit and index.  Prepare a topic for presentation in Week 10.


Week 8

Desk top publishing using Windows/Google imports/Wordwraparound, insertion of fonts, pictures, etc.  Magazine as basis. 


Week 9

Overview of indexing – any questions/more practice.  Overview of proof-reading.  A piece will be given out to work on.  You will also be given a topic/or chose one yourself for a 500 word piece – to be ready for next week.


Week 10

Presentation of topics and Gen. Knowledge Quiz.  If you have any questions, any further study/research you wish to do – we may have handouts ready for you (one we prepared earlier!)


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